Bonsai News: Taking Care Of Your Bonsai

17 January 2005

Taking Care Of Your Bonsai

Location: Outside, preferably on a shelf or table that can be shaded from midafternoon sun and protected during cold winter nights. Subtropical indoor varieties are the exception to this rule and may be grown inside.

Watering: Individual trees have different watering needs. In general, the top layer of soil must be allowed to dry down an inch before watering. Use a very fine spray-head watering can to water soil directly, or stand the bonsai in water up to the edge of its container for five to 10 minutes. Mist the foliage and moss regularly. Too much water can be harmful.

Feeding: Bonsai food pellets can be buried around the moss or under the gravel, or a common water-soluble fertilizer at half strength on actively growing plants may be used. Do not feed any plant during winter or immediately following transplanting.

Trimming/training: Snip and pinch with your fingers, or use sharp pointed bonsai scissors to clip hard-to-reach parts of tree to maintain the original artistic shape. Remove shaping wire when it becomes too tight as it can strangle the tree.

Transplanting: Bonsai should be transplanted every two to three years. If pests or diseases appear, treat promptly.




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