Bonsai News: Natural Art At Its Best

29 March 2005

Natural Art At Its Best

What exactly is the concept of bonsai?

Bonsai is growing a tree in miniature form. The plant is grown in shallow pots and regularly pruned. The leaves and roots have to be trimmed every year and new soil has to be added to ensure the plant's survival and good health.

What are the special requirements for a bonsai plant?

Bonsai plants require special soil, ideally a mix of manure, soil and brick particles. This mixture, being porous, does not allow water-logging and keeps the plant healthy, increasing its chances of survival. The plant must be kept in shade for the first few days. Bonsai needs fresh air and should ideally be placed in a garden or near a window.

Which plants are ideal for bonsai?

All tropical flowering plants can be chosen for bonsai. Flowering plants with small leaves, flowers and fruits, look beautiful when worked upon aesthetically. The idea is to retain the natural look of plants while giving them a beautiful finish. Plants have to be placed either in shade or mild sunshine.

What is the scope for bonsai in Jamshedpur?

The city is well-suited to encourage bonsai enthusiasts. The Horticulture Society of Jamshedpur organises regular demonstrations. One can also get information at the flower shows held in the city. Residents of the steel city are showing interest in bonsai and the response has been encouraging so far. Though the readymade plants are expensive, the ones prepared at home are affordable.

What are your suggestions for bonsai enthusiasts?

These plants’ requirements are like those of bigger trees, the only difference being in the quantity. One should first test his gardening skills by growing small plants and only then dabble with bonsai as it calls for patience and time. People must get themselves equipped with the knowledge of bonsai plants through books.




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