Bonsai News: Agriculture at Coastalfields

14 January 2007

Agriculture at Coastalfields

Sometimes Coastalfields does kill weeds. Coastalfields tills between the beds and in the beds. This not only creates nice loose ground for the plants to send roots into for food, but also cuts the plants' roots so that new small roots are sent out into the tilled ground: these smaller roots are better at eating than the larger roots.

Trimming roots is one of the best services of tillage. Sometimes Coastalfields brings tillage equipment (shovels, rotortillers, etc.) to within even an inch of the plants in the beds! Trimming roots is important even for potted plants...especially bonsai. Bonsais live for many times greater than their natural life span, and this is partially due to their roots (and branches, leaves, etc.) being trimmed once, twice or even more frequently during the year.

Tilling also aerates the soil, allows for better water flow, and generally improves fertility by encouraging 'good' microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, small animals (such as insects and arthropods), and fungus, to mineralize the nutrients plants require and to keep suppressed the 'bad' microorganisms that would cause disease.

Coastalfields rarely tills between rows within the bed. The benefit of further tillage does not outweigh the cost of destroying the additional weeds in the bed. However, beds are tilled under between crops, and the most important weeds are carefully avoided.
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